Hong Kong is and will be one of my/our favorite cities. Its simply an awesome place; Asian culture with British politeness, automatic taxi doors and egg waffles. What more can you possibly want.
This time, we stayed in Kowloon in the Stanford Hillview (Observatory Rd.). Walking distance to the harbor, as well as the Night Market on Temple Street. After a smooth flight and short ride from the airport to the hotel (Hong Kong is so well organized; even as a German, I am amazed) our first visit was to Sam’s to order Michi’s first bespoke suite and some more for myself. Of course, we spent plenty of time at the habor, just hanging out and taking in the atmosphere. In the evening, we revisited the street food heaven close to Temple Street (don’t confuse with the horrible joints at the night market. Avoid those at all cost. The Spicy Crab holds the record for only bad street food we have eaten to date in China).
Saturday we spent at Sams and exploring Kowloon and its markets. We spent the evening at the night market and discovered possibly the best egg waffle joint in Hong Kong (on Nathan Street, a bit south of Jordan. Always a line there, I tried about 6 times).
Sunday, Michi picked a place for breakfast that… which… … I have never seen this much action in a restaurant. It is a mix between a mexican stand-off and musical chairs. People either sit at tables or walk around the room. Randomly, a lady pushes a card with food our of the kitchen. Than: Carnage. Those victorious capture some delicious foods, while other mourn their losses. Fortunately, Michi seems to have a secret past life as American Gladiator. Final stop was the Golden Dragon Store, one of the famous computer stores. We pushed our way through the electronics street market and descended into the dungeon. You can’t be afraid of closed spaces. You cant be afraid of people. If you manage, you find every piece of electronic and computer equipment imaginable.
We left with tears in our eyes and egg waffles in our stomachs.
Hong Kong, see you around.
PS: Pictures are a bit unsorted. Enjoy
Victoria Habour Panorama
Michi at Victoria Habor and Sunset over Hong Kong
Myself in Kowloon Park, and harbor view
Markets around Temple Street
Egg waffles and fish balls
Clams and Snails
Golden Computer Store
Suits at Sam’s